SOCCER: World Cup 2006 Retrospective, Part 1
Do you miss the World Cup already? It sure was a great month of sport. Three things most impressed me. Firstly, these guys are amazing athletes. Even the Big Daddy respects how players can thrive with average-joe frames and that size is not all-important. Decision making, stamina, and determination are instead determinative. I think this allows us to relate more easily to the players, even if we've never played soccer. I could practically feel the pain in my own legs while watching the Italians fight fatigue and just keep running non-stop for 120 minutes on Sunday.
Secondly, I've learned that World Cup fans are second to none. They party like Raiders fans, are dedicated like Cubs fans, celebrate like Yankees fans, and often look like Dallas Cowboy cheeleaders! They think nothing of traveling the world to see their team play. And fans actually have fun during the game, whether it's a classic or a dud. They'll get their money's worth by finding creative ways to wear national colors on their skin or by singing "Ole, Ole, Ole" to encourage a goal. Nobody in the stands ever looks bored even during those "nil-nil" games.
And I saved the best for last: chicks actually love soccer. Can you imagine the power this must have on the sex lives of players and fans alike? Just think how many Italian babies will be born 9 months to the date of their national team winning the World Cup! With that in mind, my next post will pay tribute to this fantastic aspect of the beautiful sport.
Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: or
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